import source import config from event import Event, HeapEvent from datetime import datetime, timedelta from time import sleep import notification from analyse_event import * def make_tz_aware(dt, tz='UTC', is_dst=None): """Add timezone information to a datetime object, only if it is naive.""" tz = dt.tzinfo or tz try: tz = pytz.timezone(tz) except AttributeError: pass return tz.localize(dt, is_dst=is_dst) def main(): event_seen = set() heap = HeapEvent() manual = [Event('manual_1',, seconds=10), "Villejuif", "descr Villejuif"), Event('manual_2',, seconds=3), "Cachan", "descr Cachan"), Event('manual_3',, seconds=12), "université paris 7", "descr p7")] gap = timedelta(minutes=30) # 30 minutes : time to check trafic before an event refresh = timedelta(seconds=30) # grab events every 30 secondes while True: # feed heap for event in get_events() + manual: # check if we already know it if not in event_seen: event_seen.add( print() if ( - < 0: print("Ignore event in the past:") else: print("Add event:") heap.push(event) print(str(event)) # sleep the min between 1 minute and the next event - gap next = refresh if not heap.empty(): next = min(next, if next.total_seconds() > 0: print() print("Sleeping " + str(next)) sleep(next.total_seconds()) # next event if not heap.empty() and < gap: event = heap.pop() print() print("Check event:") print(str(event)) # get useful ids of sources for this location ids_sources = source.from_location(event.location) # flatten this dictionnary ids_sources_flat = [item for (key, sublist) in ids_sources.items() for item in sublist] # grab info from internet for these sources sources=source.gen_sources(ids_sources) if 'print' in config.notification['methods']: print() # show an empty line for src in sources: if in ids_sources_flat and src.problem(): # there is a problem ! We notify the user... notification.notify(src.message) if __name__ == "__main__": main()