// change stack size, in bytes #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:33777216") // no space ! // regex regex reg(R"[a-z]+"); string str("couCOU"); bool match = regex_match(str, reg)); // builtins __gcd(x, y); // for __builtin_*, add suffix l for long, ll for long long __builtin_ffs(int);// 1 + least significant 1-bit // __builtin_ffs(1010b) = 2 // __builtin_ffs(0) = -1 __builtin_clz(unsigned int) // number of leading 0-bits // __builtin_clz(0..010100) = 27 // __builtin_clz(0) is undefined __builtin_ctz(unsigned int) // number of trailing 0-bits // __builtin_ctz(0..010100) = 2 // __builtin_ctz(0) is undefined __builtin_popcount(int) // number of 1-bits // __builtin_popcount(0110b) = 2