// Suffix array construction in O(L log^2 L) time. Routine for // computing the length of the longest common prefix of any two // suffixes in O(log L) time. // INPUT: string s // OUTPUT: array suffix[] such that suffix[i] = index (from 0 to L-1) // of substring s[i...L-1] in the list of sorted suffixes. // That is, if we take the inverse of the permutation suffix[], // we get the actual suffix array. struct SuffixArray { const int L; string s; VVI P; vector > M; SuffixArray(const string &s) : L(s.length()), s(s), P(1, VI(L, 0)), M(L) { for(int i = 0; i < L; i++) P[0][i] = int(s[i]); for(int skip = 1, level = 1; skip < L; skip *= 2, level++) { P.push_back(VI(L, 0)); for(int i = 0; i < L; i++) M[i] = make_pair(make_pair(P[level-1][i], i + skip < L ? P[level-1][i + skip] : -1000), i); sort(M.begin(), M.end()); for(int i = 0; i < L; i++) P[level][M[i].second] = (i > 0 && M[i].first == M[i-1].first) ? P[level][M[i-1].second] : i; } } VI GetSuffixArray() { return P.back(); } // returns the length of the longest common prefix of s[i...L-1] and s[j...L-1] int LongestCommonPrefix(int i, int j) { int len = 0; if(i == j) return L - i; for(int k = P.size() - 1; k >= 0 && i < L && j < L; k--) { if (P[k][i] == P[k][j]) { i += 1 << k; j += 1 << k; len += 1 << k; } } return len; } }; int main() { // bobocel is the 0'th suffix // obocel is the 5'th suffix // bocel is the 1'st suffix // ocel is the 6'th suffix // cel is the 2'nd suffix // el is the 3'rd suffix // l is the 4'th suffix SuffixArray suffix("bobocel"); VI v = suffix.GetSuffixArray(); // Expected output: 0 5 1 6 2 3 4 // 2 for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) cout << v[i] << " "; cout << endl; cout << suffix.LongestCommonPrefix(0, 2) << endl; }