# SubtitlesPrinter Print subtitles above a X-screen, independently of the video player. ## Requirement This program uses X11 to show subtitles. Currently, this program support only .srt subtitles. Please check also there is no empty line at the beginning of the file, or some unprintable characters before the first "1". You can see the specs of this format here : http://matroska.org/technical/specs/subtitles/srt.html To have transparency between subtitles, try to launch xcompmgr before subtitlesPrinter. ## Installation Run in a terminal ```bash git clone https://github.com/OlivierMarty/SubtitlesPrinter.git make sudo make install ``` ## Usage To show file.srt, run in a terminal : ```bash subtitlesPrinter file.srt ``` ### Controls To quit, press CTRL+C in the terminal. To pause and resume, press space anywhere (this does not work with all windows). To shift the clock, press left and right arrows. ### Optional arguments It is possible to skip x seconds, or to change the delay before starting. For other parameters and details see ```bash subtitlesPrinter -h ``` ## TODO * Support more type of file (with an extern library ?) Every improvement is welcome ! ## LICENSE This program is under GPLv2 licence, see LICENCE file for more details.